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Cradlepoint SOHO Solutions
Dedicated networks for working from home

SOHO Network Solutions for Remote Work Connectivity

Helping employees work from home is as challenging as it is essential. Equipping mission-critical workers with their own laptop, printer, and other work from home technology isn’t enough — especially if they’re using a wired consumer router. They need a reliable, high-bandwidth, and easy-to-deploy work from home router that provides a dedicated Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) network solution and enables the IT team to centrally manage WAN and LAN connectivity, cybersecurity measures, and applications. Cradlepoint’s NetCloud Service for SOHO and wireless edge routers unlock the power of LTE and 5G for efficiently managed remote work from anywhere.



Wireless router solutions enabling company control of dedicated networks for working from home



Extend a dedicated enterprise network to workers at home

Provide remote workers with constant LTE and Wi-Fi connectivity and consistent performance that’s isolated from the home network their families use.


Control the network as if everyone’s at the office

Enable the IT team to centrally control remote working network security, availability, management, device access, and traffic usage — wherever they’re working from.


Equip employees to easily set up enterprise connectivity

Send employees preconfigured, remotely optimized solutions that can be plugged in, set up, and connected in a few minutes. No on-site IT pros required.


Deploy and manage LTE solutions for critical remote work

  • Teleconferencing
  • Large-file data transfer
  • Telemedicine
  • Online teaching
  • E-learning
  • Public services
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More than 20,000 branch, mobile, and IoT customers across 50+ countries rely on Cradlepoint.



NetCloud Service for SOHO

NetCloud Service provides cloud-managed capabilities to support a dedicated SOHO network solution to enable remote workers from anywhere. This service permits zero-touch deployment, enables visibility with dashboards, and delivers control at scale with group configurations, policy creation, distribution, and enforcement.



Questions? We're here to help.

From offering expert advice to solving complex problems, we've got you covered. Get in touch with a Cradlepoint Wireless Expert today to learn more!